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Sebastian Pierre-Louis

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Brief Introduction About Yourself: My name is Sebastian Pierre-Louis. I've gone by previous names such as Flash Static & Death Flash. I grew up and still reside in Boston, MA and have watched wrestling and loved Wrestling for 18 years. I got inspired to do BYW in 2013 through discovering variety of feds on YouTube and learning as well as observing the craft of BYW since then. I started in 2014, self-trained through years of taking visual lessons and then passed down those teachings to the fed I created that same year called Elite Championship Action which is now defunct. I've trained in every fed I've been in along with still teaching myself new things here and there. Seeing that just anyone could do BYW and entertain a small world of people on YouTube got me super inspired when I was younger to do it and I haven't stopped ever since.

Wrestling Name: Statik G1

Gimmick: Well I have two personas per say with my character kind of like if you think about Finn Balor and The Demon. Statik G1 is my newest gimmick I started last year. Statik G1 is just a character who thrives to excel and be #1 everywhere he goes as well as make sure the integrity of BYW is sustained by eliminating low tier "weaker" feds. He tries his best to obtain that goal through a group he started earlier 2017 called ReDUX (ReDESIGN UNITE X). This character is just an extension of myself really. I honestly don't want to get rid of lower tier feds but part of me does want to clean up BYW a bit as it still has some rebuilding to be done. The other persona is a character I've had with me since I started BYW and that is "Death Flash" I never really retired the persona because it's so near and dear to me.


This gimmick is kind of like an Undertaker type or if you think about like Yu-Gi-Oh, basically an inner entity who is very angry, aggressive and filled darkness which all filter through projected "powers" in the ring that will him to win ability to win, kick out, finisher rate etc. I only bring out this character in special situations when needed but really enjoyed playing it because at the time I made it up it was created as a healthy way to release all my real-life angers, grievances, regrets etc. whatever I felt at the time and still to this day when I'm in that Death flash mode it really just cleanses any bad feelings I get throughout the week or day like stress from work, emotional feelings at this time whatever the case is. That's why I hold him so dear to this day because this character has gotten me through tough times when I needed him to.

Years Active: 2014-Present

Feds Wrestled For: ECA, GBXN & AVWA

Wrestling Style: Japanese Strong style/ Technical/ High-Flying

Favorite Move & Finisher: Favorite finisher is the Curb Stomp. It's so quick and easy and that's honestly everything you want with a good finisher. Favorite move is the Running Knee. It's very fun to do and one of the prettiest in my opinion.

Entrance Music: My entrance music is a beat made by a producer on SoundCloud.

Where is your fed located: AVWA, is located in Worcester, MA












Who has influenced you, pro or backyard: I would never go pro because I know all of the work, stress and troubles that come with it and I know I couldn't live that life but doesn't mean I'm not super inspired by BYW.


The wrestler that got me here, that caused me to join this wonderful community is Chris Castle from Indiana Championship Wrestling. When I was just getting into BYW, ICW was the first fed I saw and I instantly was hooked. They captivated me on so many levels and all their talent are so good still even to this day. It was one individual though who inspired more than the others and again that was Chris. It was Chris because for his age, he made wrestling look effortless. Everything he did was absolutely incredible, and he made me feel so many different emotions when I watched him. Excitement to do what he does, jealousy that I couldn't wrestle him, investment in his daily life and matches because I grew to a number 1 fan.


Everything I saw from him I mean, his match with B-Snow, to him jumping off an at least 25-30 foot tree against Shawn Jovi, from doing flips and tricks I didn't even know existed, to being a part of big supershows with a whole bunch of other guys having the best time of his life.


I'd always say wow... This is my next step in life, I'm going to live like this one way or another. Because of him I started researching more on BYW and became even more invested as I discovered the GBYWN and became fully addicted to BYW at that point. I found more wrestlers, AVERAGE GUYS, like him doing the same shit and I said to myself in 2013, “that's it I need to do this, and I need to do this now. I need to start a fed and I need to become a BYW star. I need to wrestle all of these guys and have this much fun”.


In 2013 I was unsuccessful starting what was to become ECA because of a big group of people who flaked on me at the time but the next year I found a good group of friends and made it happen and I'm still living the dream now. All because of 1 guy. Me and Chris talk now but if he ever reads this he knows how thankful I am for the years of work he put into BYW still to this day. If he didn't exist I don't think I necessarily would have either and in turn same could be said for GBXN and AVWA.

Favorite Backyard Promotion: 3 way to between ETTW, ICW & IYHWA

Favorite Pro Promotion: New Japan Pro Wrestling.

Goals You Have Set: Spend these next last few years of my career, give or take about 3-5 just travelling to different feds cementing my name in the community. As well as purifying BYW through GBXN and bringing back friendly competition and bringing back a kind community feeling in BYW. A time where everyone can be under GBXN just having fun, meeting each other, Wrestling and creating magic together for all of us to enjoy for years to come.

Advice to new backyarders: My advice is to if you are going to start yarding please buy mats at the least if not making a base. It is crucial. My first few years of BYW I did my bumping on the ground and it's punishing me now lol but still worth it none the less. Stay off the trampolines unless if you want to do cool flips, otherwise it's not to be used for bumping. It's not safe and doesn't look impactful enough.


Most importantly connect with each other, travel if possible and just have fun while at the same time creating a logical fantastic product for people to enjoy. As well once you do this NEVER STOP learning, never stop trying to improve yourself year in and year out even if you think you are nice in the ring no one is ever perfect no matter what. Always practice for the sake of creating the best matches possible. Just like how I was inspired by one guy, u can inspire some kid 10 years from now to start up a fed and that's really the spirit of BYW at the end of the day. Once again, Travel and connect with other feds, wrestlers etc. It's especially easier nowadays than it was back in the day because the internet is so much better, use that to your advantage!

Contact info: If you ever want to talk, hit me up on Facebook on my personal account Sebastian Pierre-Louis. Just be respectful, or look up my wrestling account "Death Flash" on Facebook.


Videos of Favorite Matches: 

1. Statik G1 vs. Chris Wade (GBXN World Title Tournament Round 2)


2. Jax & Logan vs. Death Flash & Rainman

3. The Gift vs. Death Flash (G.O.A.T. vs. G.O.A.T.)

4. Street Fighter vs. B-Snow


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